One Piece Odyssey Trophy Guide & Roadmap

- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30-40 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 51 (1
, 2
, 9
, 39
- Online Trophies: 0
- Hardest Trophies:
Challenge Enemy Conqueror
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No – there are no difficulty settings
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes
- Free-Roam / Chapter Select after Story?: Yes – you can revisit every area after completing the main story.
- Release Date: January 13, 2023
STEP 1: Complete the Main Story
Complete the Main Story and enjoy the game. If you want, collect some of the Cube Fragments for each character (used to upgrade abilities) and some (or all) 99 Yaya Cubes. Keep an eye on the 2 Collectible Guides below if you want to save some time during the later steps. If not, you’ll revisit all locations more than you have to while going for 100%. There will be plenty of backtracking and revisiting old locations as part of the Main Story and Side Stories.
I recommend that you run around as Sanji, Nami and Robin when you’re exploring. You need to find 20 Robin Items, 25 Sanji Items and 25 Nami Items. But don’t worry there are way more than 20 and 25 hidden in the game, they can just be hard to find. If you play as the characters above, you can spot the Items from a distance. Whenever you are close to one of the Items, that specific character will call it out, somehing like “Oh!… My money!” – then switch to the specific character and pick up the Item. You unlock the last ability tied to these trophies in Chapter 4 – Robin’s Appraisal ability.
IMPORTANT: Don’t craft to many Recipes with Sanji and Trick Balls with Usopp. You need to craft one of each Recipe of food and Trick Ball for 2 different trophies. Many of the ingredients are sadly random spawns. Make a list of which Recipes you’ve already made, there’s no in-game counter or way identify which you still need to make. These can potentially be your last 2 trophies.
Trophies earned during this step:
Chapter 1 Clear
Chapter 2 Clear
Chapter 3 Clear
Chapter 4 Clear
Chapter 5 Clear
Chapter 6 Clear
Chapter 7 Clear
Chapter 8 Clear
Final Chapter Clear
Journeyman Cook
Trick Ball Beginner
Craft Enthusiast
Chasing Champion
Jewelry Master
I smell an adventure!
Journeyman Hunter
Fixed a Fray
Bond Battler
Gum-Gum Rocket
Iron Door Slicer
Usopp’s Slingshot
Escape is Victory
STEP 2: Complete All Side Stories and Collect All Collectibles
Now is the time for the huge clean-up, completing what you have left of side activities. That Includes:
- 71 Side Stories
- 14 Memory Links
- 30 Bounties
- 22 Locked Chests
- 25 Sanji Items
- 25 Nami Items
- 20 Robin Items
- 10 Bridges (Franky)
- 27 Recipes
- 18 Trick Balls
- 296 Character Cube Fragments
- 99 Yaya Cubes
Focus on completing all Side Stories and Memory Links first, while collect all 99 Yaya Cubes, Locked Chests and the last Cube Fragments you may or may not need along the way. Refer to the following guides:
- One Piece Odyssey All 99 Yaya Cube Locations
- One Piece Odyssey All Cube Fragment Locations
- One Piece Odyssey All Side Stories Guide
Besides that, collect the character specific Items when you run back and forward betweeen locations. You may already have unlocked multiple of the trophies listed below during Step 1. Hopefully you’ll have enough ingredients by now to make the last Recipes and Trick Balls.
Trophies earned during this step:
Franky Skywalk
Cook’s Nose
Treasure Sensor
Archaeologist’s Appraisal
Singular Strike
Savings Savant
Cube Collector: Luffy
Cube Collector: Zoro
Cube Collector: Usopp
Cube Collector: Sanji
Cube Collector: Nami
Cube Collector: Robin
Cube Collector: Chopper
Cube Collector: Franky
Cube Collector: Brook
Party Animal
Treasure Hunter
Trick Ball Whiz
Top Cook
Certified Fray Fixer
Bounty Hunter
Pit Stop Pro
STEP 3: Defeat All Powerful Enemies and Farm to LVL 70
When you complete Side Story #71: Challenge Cube, you unlock all 11 Powerful Enemies (Yellow Cubes). These cubes contain different Boss Fights from the Main Story. You have to defeat each Boss twice for the Challenge Enemy Conqueror trophy. Equip your best accessories and fuse as many effects as you like. Note that if you fuse, for example, 100% Damage Resistance to Technique, then you’ll be immune to that specific enemy type, only recieveing 1 hitpoint damage every attack. Refer to One Piece Odyssey Challenge Enemy Conqueror Guide (All Powerful Enemies) for more.
Farming to LVL 70 (or higher) before the Boss Fights will make them even easier – See High Leveler.
Trophy Guide

Odyssey Master
The Mark of a True Adventurer

Earn all other trophies in One Piece Odyssey to unlock the Platinum.

High Leveler
Got everyone past level 70.

You will be at around Level 50 after defeating the Final Boss. Defeating all powerful enemies twice and completing all Side Stories will get you to around Level 60-63. Luckily there is a quick way to farm the last Levels up to 70. It will take you 30-60 minutes to reach Level 70 with the method above.

Challenge Enemy Conqueror
Defeat all the powerful challenge enemies twice or more.

> One Piece Odyssey Challenge Enemy Conqueror Guide (All Powerful Enemies)

Final Chapter Clear
Cleared the final chapter.

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. This trophy unlocks when you complete chapter 9.

Pit Stop Pro
Cleared all side stories.

> One Piece Odyssey All Side Stories Guide

Bounty Hunter
Turned in all bounties.

There is a total of 30 Bounties in the game. Complete Side Story #3: Meditator Marzin’s Quest located in Nanohana (Alabasta) to unlock bounties – refer to One Piece Odyssey All Side Stories Guide.
The Bounties are spread out on 3 Memorias:
- Alabasta (10 Bounties)
- Water Seven (10 Bounties)
- Dressrosa (10 Bounties)
You accept bounties from taverns, they are found in the big city areas. Note that some bounties need to be completed before you unlock the new ones. For example, the Bulbro Brothers – there are 4 bounties tied to them alone. You have to complete the first in Alabasta (Side Story #3) before you unlock the next in Water Seven, then the 3rd in Dressrosa and then the 4th after completing every other Bounty.
If you don’t have the option to hunt all 10 Bounties in Water Seven, go to Alabasta anc complete all the Bounties in that Memoria. Another option is to complete the available Bounties in Water Seven and then check back to the Bounty Board in the Tavern to accept new ones.

Certified Fray Fixer
Cleared all Memory Links.

You are introduced to Bond Arts in Chapter 2 (Alabasta). This unlocks the Memory Links spread across the 4 Memorias. There is a total of 14 to complete.
You can see all Memory Links from the pause menu under Episode > Memory Links. They are listed with the area they are located it along with a map marker.

Top Cook
Made all recipes.

There is a total of 27 Recipes in the game. It’s possible to upgrade Sanji’s Cook Skill upon completing Chapter 6 (Marineford). You can cook with Sanji at every Camp and Tavern. Each Recipe require specific ingredients to be made. Note that many of the ingredients in the game are RANDOM drops.
Go to the Pause Menu > Crew > Press on Sanji >
to view Field Skills > Put 6 Cube Fragments into “Cook” > This unlocks all of Sanji’s Recipes.
This trophy and Trick Ball Whiz share the same issue and solution. If you find yourself needing specific ingredients after completing everything else, I recommend going to the Water Seven City Area. Run around as Luffy and grab every ingredient you can. Also switch to Usopp to shoot down bird nests and collect the ingredients.
You can get ingredients like Ringing Apple, Cold Plant Juice, Tree Melon all kinds of Bugs and more. That are usually some of the ingredients people need for the last Recipes or Trick Balls.

Trick Ball Whiz
Made all Trick Balls.

There is a total of 18 Trick Balls in the game. It’s possible to upgrade Usopp’s Make Skill upon completing Chapter 6 (Marineford). You can make Trick Balls with Usopp at every Camp and Tavern. Each Trick Ball require specific ingredients to be made. Note that many of the ingredients in the game are RANDOM drops.
Go to the Pause Menu > Crew > Press on Usopp >
to view Field Skills > Put 6 Cube Fragments into “Make” > This unlocks all of Usopp’s Trick Balls.
This trophy and Top Cook share the same issue and solution. If you find yourself needing specific ingredients after completing everything else, I recommend going to the Water Seven City Area. Run around as Luffy and grab every ingredient you can. Also switch to Usopp to shoot down bird nests and collect the ingredients.
You can get ingredients like Ringing Apple, Cold Plant Juice, Tree Melon all kinds of Bugs and more. That are usually some of the ingredients people need for the last Recipes or Trick Balls.

Treasure Hunter
Opened all the locked treasure chests.

There’s a total of 22 Locked Chests in the game. You can unlock the key for the chests in Chapter 8 (Dressrosa). You need to complete a total of 12 Side Stories to unlock the key. There are 3 quiz Side Stories tied to 4 different characters. They have to be completed in the right order to unlock next series of Side Stories.
Order of completion
- Grand Line Quiz Kid Level 1-3 (Alabasta)
- Grand Line Quiz Lady Level 1-3 (Water Seven)
- Grand Line Quiz Madam Level 1-3 (Marineford)
- Grand Line Quiz Mister Level 1-3 (Dressrosa)
You earn the key upon completion of the 12th Side Story. Refer to One Piece Odyssey All Side Stories Guide if you need help with unlocking the key.
NOTE: 2 of the Locked Chests in Alabasta require certain materials to reach – Franky needs to build the bridges to reach them. Refer to Franky Skywalk for the material locations.

Challenge Enemy Beginner
Defeat one powerful challenge enemy.

> One Piece Odyssey Challenge Enemy Conqueror Guide (All Powerful Enemies)

Battle Master
Won 300 Battles.

This trophy will be one of your last before you earn the Platinum. You can farm battle in the deserts in Alabasta, run around and defeat enemies. I recommend enabling “Auto Battle” to make it a bit easier on yourself.

Chapter 1 Clear
Cleared Chapter 1

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Chapter 2 Clear
Cleared Chapter 2

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Chapter 3 Clear
Cleared Chapter 3

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Chapter 4 Clear
Cleared Chapter 4

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Chapter 5 Clear
Cleared Chapter 5

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Chapter 6 Clear
Cleared Chapter 6

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Chapter 7 Clear
Cleared Chapter 7

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Chapter 8 Clear
Cleared Chapter 8

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Trick Ball Beginner
Made 10 Trick Balls.

See Trick Ball Whiz for more info.

Chasing Champion
Fused 30 accessories.

Robin’s Mystery Craft unlock upon completion of Chapter 2 (Alabasta). There will be a small tutorial on how you fuse accessories, Pick any two accessories and fuse them together. Repeat for a total of 30 times to unlock the trophy. This game mechanic is essential to surviving the Boss Battles later in the game.

Craft Enthusiast
Fused 5 accessories.

See Chasing Champion for more info.

Jewelry Master
Made an accessory with 4 effects.

Upon completing Chapter 6 (Marineford), you unlock the opportunity to upgrade Robin’s Mystery Craft. Go to the pause menu and press when hovering over Robin. This access her Upgrade Abilities screen, next you want to press
to acces her Field Skills – Put 6 Cube Fragments into “Fuse” to unlock the ability to fuse accessories with 4 effects.
You can take Cube Fragments from her Battle Skills if you don’t have enough to upgrade “Fuse.” You can move the Cube Fragments around as much as you like.

I smell an adventure!
Cleared 10 side stories.

> One Piece Odyssey All Side Stories Guide

Journeyman Hunter
Turned in 10 bounties.

See Bounty Hunter for more info.

Fixed a Fray
Cleared 5 Memory Links.

See Certified Fray Fixer for more info.

Party Animal
Had 30 parties

You are introduced to parties in Chapter 2 in the area “Desert near Nanohana.” You can hold a party at Camps and Taverns/Inns. When you are at a Camp, interact with the bonfire to start the party. If you are in a Tavern/Inn, talk with the person behind the bar and choose “Have a Party.” Holding a party increases your EXP for the next couple of fights.
Repeat 30 times to unlock the trophy.

Collected 99 Yaba Cubes

> One Piece Odyssey All 99 Yaya Cube Locations

Cube Collector: Luffy
Collected 50 of Luffy’s cube fragments.

> One Piece Odyssey All Cube Fragment Locations

Cube Collector: Zoro
Collected 50 of Zoro’s cube fragments.

> One Piece Odyssey All Cube Fragment Locations

Cube Collector: Nami
Collected 30 of Nami’s cube fragments.

> One Piece Odyssey All Cube Fragment Locations

Cube Collector: Usopp
Collected 40 of Usopp’s cube fragments.

> One Piece Odyssey All Cube Fragment Locations

Cube Collector: Sanji
Collected 40 of Sanji’s cube fragments.

> One Piece Odyssey All Cube Fragment Locations

Cube Collector: Chopper
Collected 30 of Chopper’s cube fragments.

> One Piece Odyssey All Cube Fragment Locations

Cube Collector: Robin
Collected 30 of Robin’s cube fragments.

> One Piece Odyssey All Cube Fragment Locations

Cube Collector: Franky
Collected 20 of Franky’s cube fragments.

> One Piece Odyssey All Cube Fragment Locations

Cube Collector: Brook
Collected 6 of Brook’s cube fragments.

> One Piece Odyssey All Cube Fragment Locations

Saving Savant
Obtained a total of 20,000,000 berries.

This trophy will come naturally. When you have completed everything (Bounties, Side Stories etc.) in the game, you’ll have amassed way over 20 million berries.

Bond Battler
Activated 20 Bond Arts.

You are introduced to Bond Arts in Chapter 2 (Alabasta). Completing the story-related Memory Link unlocks your first Bond Art. Whenever you are in battle, you have 4 options – Items, Attack, Skill and Bond Art.
Activate 20 Bond Arts to unlock the trophy.

Singular Strike
Did more than 10,000 damage to an enemy with a single attack.

This trophy will come naturally near the end of the game, or when you defeat all Powerful Enemies twice (end-game). Equipping new and better Accessory with good ATK stats, increase your damage and makes it possible to damage way over 10,000.

Gum-Gum Rocket
Traveled with Gum-Gum Rocket 100 times.

This trophy comes naturally. Many sections in the game require you to use Luffy and grapple around various Ruins and Caves.

Iron Door Slicer
Cut 20 doors with Zoro’s Door Slice.

The first time you visit the Lake Shore Cave, you reach a steel door. There will be a little tutorial on how Zoro can cut these doors. All steel doors in the game respawn over time. This trophy will most likely come naturally. If you need to farm the trophy, go to Tower of Law (Water Seven) and cut up all the cell doors – there’s about 8-10.
NOTE: If you come across a steel door you can’t cut, go to the pause menu and press when hovering over Zoro. This access his Upgrade Abilities screen, next you want to press
to acces her Field Skills – Put 6 Cube Fragments into “Door Slice.”

Usopp’s Slingshot
Used Usopp’s Shot 100 times.

You are indtroduced to Usopp’s Slingshot in Chapter 2 (Alabasta). Usopp can shoot down bird nests or destructibles around the different areas. There is an easy way to get the trophy, this will save you a lot of time running around.
Go to the Dust or Ice Block Ruins in Waford. You can shoot some of the buttons in the enviroment. Shoot any of these buttons a total of 100 times to unlock the trophy.

Archaeologist’s Appraisal
Robin collected 20 items with Archaeologist’s Appraisals.

Archaeologist’s Appraisal unlock during Chapter 4 (Water Seven) when you’re in the Tower of Law. There are more than 20 items to find the game, but because you unlock this skill about halway into the game, you won’t get this naturally. Just like Nami’s and Sanji’s skills, Robin will call out when you are near one of her items. Switch to Robin to locate it and pick it up. When you play as Robin, you can spot the items from a distance, then you don’t have to be atop of the item before she call it out.
Robin’s items are usually located in Ruins in Waford or around different monuments or archaelogical wonders. You might have to revisit the Ruins in Waford to collect 20 of Robin’s items.

Cook’s Nose
Sanji collected 25 items with Cook’s Nose.

Sanji’s Cook’s Nose ability unlocks in Chapter 2 (Alabasta). There are more than 25 of Sanji’s items throughout the game. Whenever you play as Sanji, you can spot the items from a distance (the icon looks like a blue fish).
A lot of Sanji’s items can be found in City Areas (Alubarna, Water Seven City Area and Dressrosa City Area).

Treasure Sensor
Nami collected 25 items with Treasure Sensor.

You are indtroduced to Nami’s Treasure Sensor in Chapter 2 (Alabasta). There are more than 25 of Nami’s items throughout the game. Whenever you play as Nami, you can spot the items from a distance (the icon look like a dollar sign).
A lot of Nami’s items can be found in City Areas (Alubarna, Water Seven City Area and Dressrosa City Area).

Franky Skywalk
Built a bridge 10 times with Franky Skywalk.

You unlock Franky’s Skywalk after completing Chapter 4 (Water Seven). There is exactly 10 bridges in the whole game. The bridges that Franky build during cutscenes does not count towards the trophy. Before you can even build the bridges, you need different materials to build them.
Steel Bolts and Junk are the two you’ll need the most, they are found pretty much anywhere, especially in the Dressrosa Memoria. Bolts and Junk can be picked up from the ground like normal items or found in chests.
Next is the Wotz Steel Bolts, there are exaclt 2 of them in the whole game – they are needed to built the bridge in Marienford. The Bolts are located near the bridge.
Last on the list is the Carbon Bolts, they can only be found in chests around Dressrosa. Carbon Bolts are needed for 4 of the bridges.

Won 50 battles

See Battle Master for more info.

Escape is Victory
Ran from three battles.

During any battle, press and scroll down to “Run From Battle.” Repeat for a total of 3 times to unlock the trophy