Helldivers 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap

STEP 1: Enjoy the game + Collect as many samples as possible
Play the tutorial, play some missions and enjoy the game. The only focus for this step is to collect as many Samples as possible. You need a total of 420 Common Samples and 30 Rare Samples for all level 1 ship upgrades – see Ship it! for more.
STEP 2: Earn all Difficulty related and miscellaneous trophies
For this step you need specific stratagems to unlock various trophies. You need to unlock at least 3 Orbital Barrages, Flamethrower, Eagle Napalm Strike, Incendiary Mines, Jump-Pack and Railgun stratagems. Other than that, see the individual trophies for strategies and requirements.
List of miscellaneous trophies:
Hell Dive
Hold my primary, I’m going in!
Gone in 360 seconds!
Caught them by Supplies!
Samples are a driver’s best friend
It’s the only way to be sure
Get some!
Kill it with fire!
Act of War
Power of Democracy
Let’s call it a draw
Cool guys don’t loo- AAAAH!
Hot potato!
Hold my Liber-tea!
Eat this!
Democracy ain’t done with you yet
Promote Synergy
Science is done by quantity
You might already have unlocked some of these by just playing the game.
STEP 3: Complete 100 missions + All level 1 Ship Module upgrades
Now for the final step and maybe longest. You can tackle this in multiple ways, simply enjoy the game and complete missions, or play on the easiest difficulty solo or with a friend. It’s possible to complete missions in 5-10 minutes time on the lowest difficulties, and you can pick up the last Common Samples you need for the last level 1 ship module upgrades, if you still need Ship it!.
See Doing your part for more tips and tricks.
Trophy Guide
Aquire all other trophies to unlock the Platinum.
Play a “Eradicate Terminid Swarm” Mission as they are the easiest to complete. If you’re playing alone, equip some Turret Strategems, the Mortar Turret is one of the best for this mission as you can keep your distance and stay in the same place, most of the time. You also need some Strategems to tackle the Bile Titans (huge four-legged bugs). Use the Orbital Laser or the Eagle 500kg Bomb to take them out.
I also recommend using the “Guard Dog” Rover backpack and any Support Weapon you want, but one of the best Support Weapons to use is the Railgun, the only downside is that the weapon unlocks late at rank 20.
Playing with teammates, you want to avoid using various Machine Gun Sentry’s, as they can quickly kill a teammate by accident – go for the Mortar Sentry or HMG Emplacement instead. Same as above, use Orbital Laser or Eagle 500kg Bombs to take out the Bile Titans.
Be careful with any type of explosive while playing with a squad. It’s best to hold down each of your own locations, then you don’t walk into each others line of fire.
I recommend using Eagle Strategems like 500kg Bomb and Airstrike. The Grenade Launcher Support Weapon is also perfect to take out Nests at medium distance.
You need to activate the Extraction Shuttle within 3 and a half minutes from mission start. The shuttle takes 2 minutes to arrive and another 15 seconds to land. This will also take a bit of luck, how big the Nests are and how far they are apart.
If you somehow don’t get the trophy. Play one of the easiest missions in the game “Eradicate Terminid Swarm” with a group of friends and randoms. There will be plenty of time in the end to finish off enemies and extract.
ONE player needs to carry ALL 15 Rare Samples (or more) as you extract for the trophy to unlock. Normally this could be done with 15 total Samples as a team, but sadly it’s bugged, making it a bit more challenging. You need play on at least difficulty 5 – Hard or higher in order to carry a total of 15 Rare Samples as a team. Note that Rare Samples won’t spawn on smaller missions like “Eradicate Terminid Swarm.”
I recommend that you attempt this on difficulty 6 – Challenging or higher. Higher difficulty means more Samples spawning but also at a higher risk. Collect a total of 15 or more as a team. When you’re all waiting for the escape shuttle, all players drop their Samples for one player to pick them pick them up. Hold “down” on the d-pad and select the Samples icon to drop them.
You can also complete the objective and simply suicide a lot to fail to extract – this will still count as a completed mission.
The Orbital Barrages to use is:
- Orbital Gatling Barrage (Level 0, costs: 1500)
- Orbital 120MM HE Barrage (Level 5, costs: 4000)
- Orbital 380MM HE Barrage (Level 8, costs: 7500)
- Orbital Walking Barrage (Level 10, costs: 7500)
At the start of the match, tag a location and start throwing all your markers for the Orbital Barrage stratagems.
The trick is to keep firing after you have killed 10+ bugs. You can see how many kills you got at the bottom of the screen. You’ll see a counter when you get big multi kills or kills in rapid succession. The trophy unlocks as you empty the mag if you killed more than 10 enemies.
- Flamethrower
- Eagle Napalm Strike
- Incendiary Mines
Play a “Purge Hatcheries” mission. All the bug eggs counts as 1 kill each. Use the Flamethrower to destroy them and use the other stratagems throughout the mission. You will have 40 minutes to unlock the trophy, which is way more than enough. Can be done solo or with a team, but only your own kills counts.
Once you have the armor, drop an Eagle Airstrike on top of yourself and hope that you survive. Repeat until you unlock the trophy.
You can collect Common Samples on all difficulties, but Rare Samples only spawn on difficulty 4 and above, and Super Samples only spawn on difficulty 7 and above. The Super Samples have specific spawns on the different maps, and there will always be 3 close together.
Unlock the first level for all 6 ship modules to unlock the trophy. This will quite possibly be one of your last trophies, as you need to acquire a lot of Common Samples for all level 1 upgrades. I recommend getting a good team with focus on collecting Samples. Play on difficulty 4-6 depending on your skill, the higher difficulty the more Samples you’ll find. If you only need Common Samples, you can play on the easier difficulties as you also work towards Doing your part (complete 100 missions).
You need a total of 420 Common Samples and 30 Rare Samples for all level 1 upgrades. See all of the ship modules individual upgrade costs below.
All Orbital Cannon Ship Modules
Ship Module Name | Upgrade Effect | Affected Stratagems | How to Unlock |
Exploding Shrapnel | Damage falloff from orbital Stratagems explosions reduces damage. | Orbital Walking Barrage Orbital Railcannon Strike Orbital Airburst Strike Orbital Precision Strike Orbital 380MM HE Barrage Orbital 120MM HE Barrage | 100 Common Samples |
More Guns | Barrage orbitals can fire 1 additional salvo(s) per barrage. | Orbital Gatling Barrage Orbital Walking Barrage Orbital 380MM HE Barrage Orbital 120MM HE Barrage | 80 Common Samples, 60 Rare Samples |
Zero-G Breech Loading | Orbital stratagems have a 10% reduced cooldown. | Orbital Gatling Barrage Orbital Walking Barrage Orbital EMS Strike Orbital Gas Strike Orbital Railcannon Strike Orbital Smoke Strike Orbital Airbust Strike Orbital Laser Orbital Precision Strike Orbital 380MM HE Barrage Orbital 120MM HE Barrage | 80 Common Samples, 80 Rare Samples, 10 Super Samples |
All Patriotic Administration Center Ship Modules
Ship Module Name | Upgrade Effect | Affected Stratagems | How to Unlock |
Donation Access License | Each support weapon gets more magazines. | Stalwart Railgun Laser Cannon Grenade Launcher Machine Gun Flamethrower Anti-Materiel Rifle | 60 Common Samples |
Streamlined Request Process | Support Weapons have a 10% decreased cooldown on Stratagems. | Stalwart Autocannon Railgun Laser Cannon Arc Thrower Spear Grenade Launcher Machine Gun Flamethrower Recoilless Rifle Anti-Materiel Rifle Expendable Anti-Tank | 80 Common Samples, 40 Rare Samples |
Hand Carts | All Backpack stratagems have a cooldown of 10%. | Shield Generator Pack “Guard Dog” Ballistic Shield Backpack Supply Pack “Guard Dog” Rover Jump Pack | 80 Common Samples, 60 Rare Samples, 5 Super Samples |
All Hangar Ship Modules
Ship Module Name | Upgrade Effect | Affected Stratagems | How to Unlock |
Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit | The cooldown time for Eagle stratagems is reduced by 50%. | Eagle 500KG Bomb Eagle Airstrike Eagle Strafing Run Eagle Smoke Strike Eagle Cluster Bomb Eagle Napalm Airstrike Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods | 80 Common Samples |
Pit Crew Hazard Pay | Eagle Rearm time is reduced by 20%. | Eagle 500KG Bomb Eagle Airstrike Eagle Strafing Run Eagle Smoke Strike Eagle Cluster Bomb Eagle Napalm Airstrike Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods | 80 Common Samples, 40 Rare Samples |
Expanded Weapons Bay | The number of Eagle Stratagem uses is increased by 1 per Rearm. | Eagle 500KG Bomb Eagle Airstrike Eagle Strafing Run Eagle Smoke Strike Eagle Cluster Bomb Eagle Napalm Airstrike Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods | 80 Common Samples, 80 Rare Samples, 10 Super Samples |
All Bridge Ship Modules
Ship Module Name | Upgrade Effect | Affected Stratagems | How to Unlock |
Targeting Software Upgrade | Deployment time for Orbital Stratagems is reduced by 1 second. | Orbital Gatling BarrageOrbital Walking BarrageOrbital EMS StrikeOrbital Gas StrikeOrbital Railcannon StrikeOrbital Smoke StrikeOrbital Airburst StrikeOrbital LaserOrbital Precision StrikeOrbital 380MM HE BarrageOrbital 120MM HE Barrage | 60 Common Samples |
Nuclear Radar | Enemy ping radius is increased by 50 meters on the minimap. | N/A | 80 Common Samples, 40 Rare Samples |
Power Steering | Steering during Hellpod deployment is improved. | N/A | 80 Common Samples, 80 Rare Samples, 10 Super Samples |
All Engineer Bay Ship Modules
Ship Module Name | Upgrade Effect | Affected Stratagems | How to Unlock |
Synthetic Supplementation | Cooldown for Sentry, Emplacement, and Resupply Stratagems are reduced by 10%. | Shield Generator Relay EMS Mortar Relay Rocket Sentry Gatling Sentry Tesla Tower Mortar Sentry Anti-Personnel Minefield Machine Gun Sentry Autocannon Sentry Incendiary Mines HMG Emplacement | 60 Common Samples, 10 Rare Samples |
Advanced Construction | Increases the health of Sentry Stratagems by 50%. | EMS Mortar Sentry Rocket Sentry Gaitling Sentry Tesla Tower Mortar Sentry Machine Gun Sentry Autocannon Sentry | 80 Common Samples, 60 Rare Samples, 5 Super Samples |
Rapid Launch System | Deployment time for Emplacement Stratagems is removed. | Shield Generator Relay Tesla Tower Anti-Personnel Minefield Incendiary Mines HMG Emplacement | 80 Common Samples, 80 Rare Samples, 10 Super Samples |
All Robotics Workshop Ship Modules
Ship Module Name | Upgrade Effect | Affected Stratagems | How to Unlock |
Dynamic Tracking | Deployment time for all Sentry Stratagems is reduced. | EMS Mortar Sentry Rocket Sentry Gatling Sentry Mortar Sentry Machine Gun Sentry Autocannon Sentry | 60 Common Samples + 20 Rare Samples |
Shock Absorption Gel | Ammo for all Sentry Stratagems is increased by 50%. | EMS Mortar Sentry Rocket Sentry Gatling Sentry Mortar Sentry Machine Gun Sentry Autocannon Sentry | 80 Common Samples, 40 Rare Samples, 5 Super Samples |
High-Quality Lubricant | Sentries will rotate toward newer targets quickly. | EMS Mortar Sentry Rocket Sentry Gatling Sentry Mortar Sentry Machine Gun Sentry Autocannon Sentry | 80 Common Samples, 80 Rare Samples, 10 Super Samples |
Hulks spawns normally on Bot missions on difficulty 5 (Hard) and above. You can find missions with an objective to take out a Hulk on lower difficulties. Use heavy weapons and stratagems to take it out. They are armored and are difficult to take down if you’re not prepared. The heat vent on it’s back is it’s weak point and the only part that can be damaged with regular ballistic weapons.
Bile Titans spawns normally on Terminid missions on difficulty 5 (Hard) and above. You can find missions with an objective to take out a Bile Titan on lower difficulties. Use heavy weapons and stratagems to take it out. They are armored and are difficult to take down if you’re not prepared.
Tactical objectives are indicated with blue icons on the map. These objectives are found around the map and spawn regularly. There can be anywhere from 1-4 tactical objectives during each mission.
Tactical objectives includes:
- Destroy Stalker hive
- Destroy rogue research buildings
- Realign radar disk
- Upload escape pod data
Hulk enemies only spawn on bot missions and on difficulty 5 (Hard) and above. This is best done on a “Eradicate Automaton Forces” mission. You need to wait for a Hulk enemy to spawn, shoot off both of it’s arms and leave it alive and complete the mission. Be careful with explosives, Sentry’s and Orbital or Eagle Strategems – you may kill off the Hulk by accident.
I highly recommend that you attempt this after you have unlocked and purchased the Railgun at rank 20. If you play with friends, you can attempt it earlier, more players just add to the issue of killing the Hulk by accident. you need a coordinated team to make it work.
You will likely get this naturally, but if you don’t, you can try hitting yourself with a Eagle 500kg Bomb or other Orbital stratagems.
Another way is playing the “Destroy Rogue Research Station” obejective (but this appears randomly during missions). Place the bomb and activate it, then stand as close to it as possible, but at a slightly higher elevation. Once it explodes, you will be thrown through the air.
Play any Bot mission marked with red on the Galactic War map on your ship. This can be done on any difficulty. There are multiple automaton enemy types that are able to throw grenades. Wait for an enemy to throw a grenade, run to it and press to throw it back.
Interact with the Galactic War map on your ship, play any mission from planets located in the sectors marked red. These missions will place you against the Automatons.
Interact with the Galactic War map on your ship, play any mission from planets located in the sectors marked orange. These missions will place you against the Terminid swarm.
Planet defense missions spawn randomly across the Galactic War campaign. They last defense missions spawned after a new sector was taken over by Super Earth. You will get a notification on the Galactic War table when enemies attack one of your sectors, this is shared globally for all players like the rest of the missions and available sectors to explore.
Super simple, play any 50 missions to unlock the trophy. Doesn’t matter if you complete, fail or leave the missions – they all count.
This trophy is obtained by being knocked into the ragdoll state while flying with the LIFT-850 Jump Pack. The LIFT-850 Jump Pack is a backpack-type stratagem that can be unlocked for 6000 credits in Ship Management after reaching level 8.
With the Jump Pack equipped, hold to fly upwards. Now for the ragdoll, there are multiple ways to achieve this. You can time your jump with one of your own grenade explosions or with a shot from the EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank weapon (needs to be unlocked first).
A bug warrior is red and armored in the front. Play with shotgun for a couple of missions and this will most likely come naturally. The bug warrior needs to be right on top you for the trophy to pop.
You need to play in a squad for this trophy, it can’t be done solo. Once a teammate is injured, run over to them an press to heal them with one of your own Stims. You need at least one Stim in order to heal a teammate.
Unlock the Autocannon from the stratagem menu, or play with a friend that has it. This trophy will be a bit annoying to attempt with randoms, unless you have a mic and can communicate with them and ask for a reload.
Your friend or random teammate needs to equip the Autocannon, you need to equip the backpack (they both spawn on the same pod drop when you call it in). Let your teammate fire some next, then you want to stand next to them and press to reload.
Before you can earn the trophy, you need to unlock Warbonds (one form of currency in the game) by completing missions. Warbonds are used to unlock new weapons and customization options. While on the ship, press to access your Acquisitions. Use your Warbonds to buy any new cape, armor and helmet. You can equip them immediately, or from a console also found on your ship.
This trophy will unlock as you enjoy the game. But, if it for some reason doesn’t unlock across your 100+ missions, play any mission and wait until there’s under 2 minutes on the timer left. Call in the extraction and enter the escape shuttle with the timer at 00:00 to unlock the trophy.
You play Basic Training at the start of the game. This is a mandatory introduction and tutorial.
There are multiple ways to do this. One of the easiest methods is to call down various Eagle Strategems. Throw them as far as you can and run the opposite direction. Another method is placing a Mortar Sentry which hits targets across long distances.
This is also possible with various Support Weapons like Railgun, Grenade Launcher or Marksman Rifle.
This trophy will most likely unlock naturally while playing. The Stalker Hive objective spawns more frequently on higher difficulty missions. But don’t worry to much it, even if a teammate finds a Stalker Hive and destroys it, every player in the squad will earn the trophy.
Tactical objectives spawn around every map, except on missions where you have to kill a certain amount of enemies. They are marked with a blue icon on the map once near.
Just as the descriptions states, complete any main mission objective and then fail the mission by running out of reinforcements and die. This can quickly be done on Trivial difficulty, complete any mission and keep killing yourself with grenades until the mission fails.
This trophy can be earned on any difficulty. You need to extract with 15 common samples total as a team. If you open the mini map, there’s three icons in the upper right corner – green icon for common samples, orange icon for rare samples and a purple icon for super samples.
On higher difficulties you’ll have a larger amount of placed samples around the map, but also at a higher risk. I recommend finding a good team, friends or random, and communicate via voice chat about collection samples. Remember if you or your teammate dies, collect each other samples – they will be marked on the mini map. This is also possible on a low difficulty solo, just take your time and explore the full map.
This will unlock early throughout your journey. The trophy will unlock during the first couple of hours of gameplay. There’s no way to force or change the weather or time of day, other than waiting in mission.
Like most other trophies, they will unlock naturally as you enjoy the game. Bug missions will work best for this mission. Utilize Orbital and Eagle Strategems along with a Support Weapon and/or backpack. Play any bug mission except “Eradicate Terminid Swarm,” other missions have an infinite amount of spawning enemies, and even more if you play on the highest difficulties.