Soulstice – All Challenges Guide [DIAMOND RANK]
There is a total of 20 Challenges you need to complete achieving a Diamond Rank. Before attempting these Challenges, you need to find them all throughout the story. Click here for all collectible locations.
You need to have as many upgrades as possible – especially upgrades for Lute, they can be a lifesaver. The upgrades that increase Unity makes this a lot easier. You could attempt this trophy after completing the main game once or twice.
There are 2 challenges that are a bit different than the others. Challenge VI: Tidy and Challenge VIII: Claustrophobic 1. You need to reset some upgrades for Lute before doing these. Follow the timestamps in the video – I show you which upgrades you need to reset before challenge start.
After doing a short combo, switch weapons and repeat – this raises your Unity, and you need it as high as possible, and if you counter fast enough with O, then you get a perfect counter + more points. Perform Unity attacks as when they become available, to get your Rapture ability as fast as possible – It´s essential in some of the big challenges with many enemies on screen.
Trophies earned through Challenges:
The touch of Chaos – Discover the first Challenge
Settle this once and for all – Complete all Challenges
I´ve been waiting for this – Complete all Challenges obtaining Diamond
- 1. Challenge I – Slayer I
- 2. Challenge II – Defensive
- 3. Challenge III – Untouchable I
- 4. Challenge IV – Timely
- 5. Challenge V – Synergic
- 6: Challenge VI – Tidy
- 7. Challenge VII – Exorcist
- 8. Challenge VIII – Claustrophobic I
- 9. Challenge IX – Spectral
- 10. Challenge X – Cautious
- 11. Challenge XI – Flying
- 12. Challenge XII – Untouchable II
- 13. Challenge XIII – Poisoned
- 14. Challenge XIV – Survivor
- 15. Challenge XV – Bloodthirsty
- 16. Challenge XVI – Aerial
- 17. Challenge XVII – Rapturous
- 18. Challenge XVIII – Claustrophobic II
- 19. Challenge XIX – Quick
- 20. Challenge XX – Slayer II