PAC-MAN WORLD RE-PAC Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Is Pac-Man World Re-Pac a remake?
This is a complete Remake of the PS1 classic Pac-Man World. The remake includes a lot better graphics but still stays true to the original.
How many Levels does Pac-Man World Re-Pac have?
The game have a total of 23 Levels spread across 6 different Areas. Beside the Main Levels there’s 36 Maze Levels and the option to play the Original Pac-Man.
How long is Pac-Man World Re-Pac?
It will take the average player 6-8 hours to complete the main story. If you want to get 100%, it can take around 8-12 hours, depending on how long it takes you to complete the Original Pac-Man.
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 7/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 8-12 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 41 (1
, 4
, 8
, 28
- Online Trophies: 0
- Hardest Trophies:
Retro Gamer
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No – there are no difficulty settings
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: No
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes
- Free-Roam / Chapter Select after Story?: Yes – you can replay all levels, including the boss fights
- Release Date: August 25, 2022
STEP 1: Complete The Game + Collect Everything + Complete All Bonus Stages + Earn a Total of 765,000 Points
Keep and eye on PAC-MAN WORLD RE-PAC All Collectible Locations when you are playing through the game. You need to collect all the Collectibles along with every pac-dot and fruit – you need to havea total of 765k points after beating the final boss (This unlocks Open Sesame / The Magic Key). See the trophy on how to get maximum points on every level. Be sure that you don’t skip the Slots (you play the Slots after each Level), try to get as points as possible, along with the misc trophies involving this feature.
Be aware of the 2 level specific trophies on your first playthrough – Space Ace (Level 3-4) and
Speed Racer (Level 4-4). If you don’t get them during this step, replay the levels during step 2 of the roadmap.
Trophies earned during this step:
Windbag Loser
Sick of Magma
Space Explorer
Radical Racer
Back to the Scrap Heap
The Real Deal
Family Man
The People’s Hero
Bonus Stage Master
Covered in Fruit
Beginner’s Luck
What Does This Key Do?
P・A・C・M・A・N Master
Big Eater
Ghost Hunter
Space Ace
Speed Racer
The King’s Crown
Open Sesame
STEP 2: Trophy Clean-up
Now is the time to get all the different trophies related to defeating enemies in a certain way. Replay any level and start farming the defeats with the moves that you need. You also have a total of 99 Lives, if you haven’t unlocked it already during step 1, the same with the 765.000 points – now is the time to replay Levels and get higher scores if you need to.
Trophies earned during this step:
STEP 3: All Maze Stages & Maze Marathon Mode
This step can be a bit repetitive. You need to complete all 36 Maze Stages (6 from each Area), and then complete the Maze Marathon Mode, which is all 36 Stages in one stiting. Go to the Pirate Ship Area and interact with the signpost (there’s a picture of a Galaxian on the sign) to enter Maze Mode.
Trophies earned during this step:
Pirate Ship Area Maze
Ruins Area Maze
Space Area Maze
Funhouse Area Maze
Factory Area Maze
Boss Mansion Area Maze
Maze Master
STEP 4: Original Pac-Man
This will be the only difficult part about this trophy list – completing Round 9 of Original Pac-Man will be super frustrating, if you don’t know the correct technique. The secret to completing the Original Pac-Man is knowing the different patterns.
Trophies earned during this step:
Trophy Guide

PAC-MAN World Master
Collect All Trophies.

Earn every trophy in Pac-Man World Re-Peac to unlock the Platinum.

Windbag Loser
Defeat Windbag.

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Sick of Magma
Defeat Anubis.

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Space Explorer
Defeat King Galaxian.

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Radical Racer
Defeat Clown Racers.

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Back to the Scrap Heap
Defeat Krome Keeper.

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

The Real Deal
Defeat Toc-Man.

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Speed Racer
Finish Clown Prix in 140 seconds or less.

LEVEL 4-4: Clown Prix
Completing this boss under 140 seconds can be a bit tight. If you hit a bomb, restart the episode to try again. Cut corners close to the edge and use your speed boost on long stretches.

Space Ace
Clear the King Galaxian Episode with no misses.

LEVEL 3-4: King Galaxian
The trophy description can be a bit confusing – when they write “misses,” it doesn’t refer to your shots, it refers to your lives. Complete the boss fight without losing a single life and you unlock the trophy.

Family Man
Rescue your first family member.

See The People’s Hero.

The People’s Hero
Rescue all family members.

There is a total of 6 Family Members to rescue, 1 in each of the 6 areas. Rescuing a Family Member consists of two steps, finding the Key and then finding the cage. Below you can see an overview of where to find all Keys and Family Members.
- Pirate Ship Area (Pooka)
- 1-2: Corsair’s Cove (Key)
- 1-3: Crazy Cannonade (Cage)
- Ruins Area (Pac-Buddy)
- 2-2: Manic Mines (Key and Cage)
- Space Area (Professor Pac)
- 3-2: Far Out (Key and Cage)
- Funhouse Area (Pac-Sis)
- 4-2: Barrel Blast (Key)
- 4-3: Spin Dizzy (Cage)
- Factory Area (Pac-Boy)
- 5-3: Down The Tubes (Key and Cage)
- Boss Mansion Area (Pac-Mom)
- 6-2: Creepy Catacombs (Key)
- 6-3: Grave Danger (Cage)
The Family Member Locations and Keys are included in this guide – PAC-MAN WORLD RE-PAC All Collectible Locations.

Talk to all family members on Ghost Island.

Before you can talk to all 6 family members, you need to rescue each and everyone of them. After rescuing a family member, you’ll find them standing in the hub world.
See The People’s Hero.

Covered in Fruit
Collect all the fruit and clear a bonus stage for the first time.

See Bonus Stage Master.

Bonus Stage Master
Clear all types of bonus stages.

Collecting all 6 Pac-Man letters in a level unlocks a bonus stage at the end of the level. There are a total of 6 different types of bonus stages (1 for each world). Collect all the fruit in each bonus stage type to unlock the trophy. They are all pretty simple and can be completed without to much trouble.

Pirate Ship Area Maze
Clear all Pirate Ship Area Maze Stages.

You access Maze Stages by interacting with the signpost located in the Pirate Ship Area (main hub world). There are 6 Maze Stages tied to each world. 3 Maze Stages are unlocked from the start and the last 3 are unlocked by completing the levels in that specifcic world. Complete all 6 Maze Stages to unlock the trophy.
See Maze Master.

Ruins Area Maze
Clear all Ruins Area Maze Stages.

You access Maze Stages by interacting with the signpost located in the Pirate Ship Area (main hub world). There are 6 Maze Stages tied to each world. 3 Maze Stages are unlocked from the start and the last 3 are unlocked by completing the levels in that specifcic world. Complete all 6 Maze Stages to unlock the trophy.
See Maze Master for a video covering all Maze Stages.

Space Area Maze
Clear all Space Area Maze Stages.

You access Maze Stages by interacting with the signpost located in the Pirate Ship Area (main hub world). There are 6 Maze Stages tied to each world. 3 Maze Stages are unlocked from the start and the last 3 are unlocked by completing the levels in that specifcic world. Complete all 6 Maze Stages to unlock the trophy.
See Maze Master for a video covering all Maze Stages.

Funhouse Area Maze
Clear all Funhouse Area Maze Stages.

You access Maze Stages by interacting with the signpost located in the Pirate Ship Area (main hub world). There are 6 Maze Stages tied to each world. 3 Maze Stages are unlocked from the start and the last 3 are unlocked by completing the levels in that specifcic world. Complete all 6 Maze Stages to unlock the trophy.
See Maze Master for a video covering all Maze Stages.

Factory Area Maze
Clear all Factory Area Maze Stages.

You access Maze Stages by interacting with the signpost located in the Pirate Ship Area (main hub world). There are 6 Maze Stages tied to each world. 3 Maze Stages are unlocked from the start and the last 3 are unlocked by completing the levels in that specifcic world. Complete all 6 Maze Stages to unlock the trophy.
See Maze Master for a video covering all Maze Stages.

Boss Mansion Area Maze
Clear all Boss Mansion Area Maze Stages.

You access Maze Stages by interacting with the signpost located in the Pirate Ship Area (main hub world). There are 6 Maze Stages tied to each world. 3 Maze Stages are unlocked from the start and the last 3 are unlocked by completing the levels in that specifcic world. Complete all 6 Maze Stages to unlock the trophy.
See Maze Master for a video covering all Maze Stages.

Maze Master
Clear the Maze Marathon Mode.

Complete all 36 Maze Stages to unlock Maze Marathon Mode. This mode consists of all the previous completed Maze Stages which you need to complete in one siting. After completing everything else, you will have more than enough lives to get through this mode. You will probably only lose about 10-15 lives completing the Maze Marathon.

Play Slots 100 times.

You enter the Slots after every level. The amount of “Plays” you have depends on the amount of coins you have collected. This trophy will come naturally while playing the game.

Activate a Fever in Slots.

You need to get an equal amount of points (1.000, 2.000, 10.000 etc.) after any level (when you reach Slots) to activate Fever.
I recommend doing this on the level 1-2: Corsair’s Cove, it’s a short and easy level. This might take a couple of tries, sometimes you land on a dot unintentionally and get 10 points to much, or mess up in another way.

Line up a Galaxian in Slots.

This trophy can be a bit tricky. Lining up 3 of the same images can be a bit tedious. The Galaxian is the token with yellow, red and blue color (used to unlock Maze Stages in the regular levels).
You need to memorise the 2-3 fruits that are shown before the Galaxian. When the Slots show the fruits you have memorised, press to stop the wheel from spinning – hopefully it will land on the Galaxian. The hardest Galaxian to land is the 3rd and the last one (the last wheel will spin really fast). Whenever you complete a level, attempt to land a Galaxian to get avoid replaying levels later on, just to get a chance to earn this trophy.

Beginner’s Luck
Line up a pattern of two in Slots for the first time.

You enter the Slots after every level. The amount of “Plays” you have depends on the amount of coins you have collected. This trophy will come naturally while playing the game.

The King’s Crown
Get a Gold Crown in every stage.

> PAC-MAN WORLD RE-PAC All Collectible Locations

Eat 200 Fruit. (Original Mode excluded.)

This will most certainly unlock naturally. You need to collect everything point related throughout the game anyways – you need a lot of points for the Open Sesame trophy.

What Does This Key Do?
Obtain a Key for the first time.

> PAC-MAN WORLD RE-PAC All Collectible Locations

Key Master
Collect all Keys.

> PAC-MAN WORLD RE-PAC All Collectible Locations

Collect bonus letters for the first time and complete PACMAN.

> PAC-MAN WORLD RE-PAC All Collectible Locations

P・A・C・M・A・N Master
Complete PACMAN for all stages with bonus letters.

> PAC-MAN WORLD RE-PAC All Collectible Locations

Boom! Boom! BOOM!
Defeat 50 Enemies with Bomb Dot.

Bomb Dots are white Dots which defeat every enemy in the area. You will most likely still need this trophy after completing the game – there’s not that many Bomb Dots located in the game.
You can farm 50 defeats in Level 3-4: King Galaxian. Simply replay the Level as much as you need.

Pac-Dot Attack!
Defeat 100 enemies with Pac-Dot and/or Bomb Attacks.

Use to throw a Pac-Dot. Defeat a total of 100 enemies to earn the trophy. To avoid farming after game completion, use the Pac-Dot throughtout the game to occasionally defeat some enemies.

Bowling For Bad Guys
Defeat 100 enemies with Rev Roll.

Use to perform a Rev Roll (you need to hold the button down and release it after gaining some speed). To avoid farming after game completion, use the Rev Roll throughtout the game to occasionally defeat some enemies.

Tough Tushy
Defeat 100 enemies with Butt Bounce.

Press +
to perform a Butt Bounce, this will most likely be your main attack since – it’s a lot more precise than other moves. If you haven’t earned the trophy after game completion, replay any level and farm defeats with Butt Bounce.

Big Eater
Get 1600 points by eating Ghosts successively. (Original Mode excluded.)

In order to eat Ghosts, you need to pick up the big Dot power-up (it’s yellow and blinks over and over). They are located in almost every level in the game.
This trophy will come naturally while playing the game.

Ghost Hunter
Eat 100 Ghosts. (Original Mode excluded.)

In order to eat Ghosts, you need to pick up the big Dot power-up (it’s yellow and blinks over and over). They are located in almost every level in the game. This trophy will come naturally while playing the game.

Pac-Man Begins
Play original PAC-MAN.

See Retro Gamer.

Retro Gamer
Clear round 9 of original PAC-MAN.

The arcade machine unlocks after completing the main story, it’s located in the Pirate Ship Area. The trick is to follow a specific pattern according to which round you are playing. The ghosts DO have specific behavior according to how you move. 1st round is one pattern, 2nd-4th round is a second pattern, and from then on it´s a third pattern for the rest of the rounds.
I messed up on round 9 because I got super nervous. Keep trying and you will get it.
- Round 1 – easy pattern, follow video.
- Round 2-4 – almost the same, except you turn back near the start and go up to avoid the blue ghost.
- Round 5+ – this is where it gets tricky. Follow the video for every move. Pause when you play it yourself to check back on the video and follow the next steps.

Open Sesame
Get a Magic Key.

You need a total of 765.000 points to earn the Magic Key. Press to check your total score (it’s listed on your save file).
Here a few tips to get the best high score possible for every Level:
- Don’t die (miss) during a Level – The fewer misses you have, the more points you earn.
- Defeat all Ghosts – Whenever there is a section with a yellow poer-up, eat all ghosts to get the maximum bonus of 1600 points.
- Defeat all normal enemies – Every single enemy will yield some extra points.
- Collect everything – Collect all Dots, Fruit, Letters and Keys.
- Play the Slots – Line up as many Fruits and Galaxians as possible, this is where you can get a lot of extra points for a better high score.

Get 99 or more extra lives.

Some people will earn this by the end of the game. If you still need to reach 99 lives – replay Level 4-1: Clowning Around. There are 3 lives right at the start of the level, collect them > leave the Level > repeat. You don’t need to complete the Level to save your progress.
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